Dear YOGAs, Soccer preliminary matches have started. 3 days to Official Opening and Torch Relay! Place your tagboard here.
Sunday, April 19
Chin up, YOGAs!
Ms Faith & I are well-aware of the remarks others have posted on the blog. But before we start some 'flaming' (exchanging hostile remarks), let's remember that as YOGAs, we are not here to create factions or divisions. Let's not get into a "them VS us" kind-0f-a-thing. In fact, what we supposed to promote; what are we supposed to be AMBASSADORS of? Division? NO! Perfection? Sorry, no one can attain that. Remember R.E.F? Respect, Excellence, Friendship. Ms Faith and I have seen excellence of spirit in the short 1.5 weeks you all took to learn the dance. We saw people encouraging one another and we were so proud of that too. But when we react aggressively and return a negative remark, how are we supposed to earn the respect of others? "But Ms Yang, they started it first!" So what if they did? We can't control what people say, but we can control how we react to them. I'm not telling you to love them, but do we have to 'attack' people because they criticise us, because they do not see things in the same way as we do? Chin up, YOGAs. Let's learn from this and move on, shall we? -Ms Yang. |